C e n t e r  f o r  I n t e r f a i t h  E n c o u n t e r





SECOND YEAR: CIE's Activities in the Year 2001

1) Sacred Texts of World Faiths Series (Phases Five and Six through September),

2) Satsang (or Fellowship of Goodness) (once),

3) Interfaith Celebration of the Turn of the Millennium (January 27),

4) Interfaith Jail Ministry (some 20 times in Stearns County Jail volunteering for STARRRR Spirituality (Tuesday night group),

5) Teaching yoga-meditation (winter-spring, and fall classes 3 - 4.30 p.m. on Saturday afternoons at University Lutheran Church of the Epiphany),

6) Interfaith Exhibition and Prayer Service (February, Little Falls, MN),

7) Ongoing e-discussion group InterfaithMN@yahoogroups.com,

8) Continuing to teach yoga-meditation to veterans in the Chemical Dependency Program at the St. Cloud V.A. Medical Center (September 2000-May 2001, 1 hr., 4/wk.),

9) 1-hour Yoga demo for health care professionals in Mental Care Unit for "Common Ground" (mid-April 2001),

10) Interfaith Weekend Retreat in Belleville, IL, (April 20-21),

11) Presenting workshop "Religion and Culture: Diversity in our World" at Fourth Annual Professional Development Seminar, Rasmussen College, St. Cloud (25 April),

12) Interfaith Memorial Services (late spring and December),

13) Interfaith/Interethnic Womens Group (5 meetings),

14) Interfaith Panel: "Sexual Orientation and World Religions" (7 July, 4.15 - 7 p.m. at the Newman Center),

15) Interfaith/interethnic family picnic (summer),

16) Community Celebration of World Faiths' Feasts/Festivals (Seder and Christmas),

17) Articles/comments in St. Cloud Times from an interfaith perspective, for example, "Lead Group Needs More Members of all Faiths" critically appreciating GRIP's work for affordable housing (17 July); forthcoming article (2002) on "Sexual Orientation and World Religions" panel in Journal of Ecumenical Studies,

18) Interfaith Healing and Bereavement Prayer Sessions (summer and fall),

19) Interfaith Pastoral Visits including Individual/Family Counseling (over a dozen times),

20) 21st Century Intercultural Celebration of the Mississippi River at Itasca (25-26 August),

21) Mississippi Celebration Follow-Up (9 September),

22) Teaching "First Steps in Meditation" (90 minutes, 5-class series) at 742 School District Community Education (September-October),

23) Interfaith Exemplars Series (from October 13),

24) Conducting an intense 7-day guided retreat for an out-of-state guest (October 18-26),

25) Participation in Wetterling Foundation church service for Jacob's 12th Anniversary of Abduction (October 22, St. Joseph's Church, St. Joseph, MN),

26) Televised 1-hour powerpoint presentation at Whitney Senior Center: "The ABC's of Islam" (25 October),

27) 3-Member Panel: "Understanding Islam, Responding to Tragedy" (28 October, Newman Center),

28) Triple Participation in Call To Action national level Conference (2 - 4 November, Chicago, IL); Complete text of "Here and Now with Anthony de Mello."

29) Field Trip to Places of Worship of World Religions (Sikh Gurudwara, November 18),

30) Co-sponsoring Events (Supper and Sound with the Wetterlings from summer; Kim & Reggie Harris' "Sing to Freedom: Underground Railroad: Music & Stories: Sankofa" on November 18),

31) Public addresses (Salem Lutheran Church, and Sertoma Group weekly meeting),

32) Attending interfaith weddings (Hindu in summer, Christian-Baha'i in fall),

33) Post September 11 "Triple Salvo" for Peace (December 1, 8, and 15);
A report on the "second salvo"
Photographs of the event

34) Substituting celebrant at St. Mary's, Harding, MN, for Sunday eucharistic celebration (winter),

35) Responding to interfaith e-inquiries and calls from in and out-of-state, and

36) Participation in "Faith Communities: Building Racial Harmony" pastors' meetings, "Sufi Meditation and Dream Interpretation" sessions, and Character Coalition meetings.

Copyright © 2002 - CIE - Center for Interfaith Encounter