C e n t e r  f o r  I n t e r f a i t h  E n c o u n t e r





FIRST YEAR: CIE's Activities in the Year 2000

1)Sacred Texts of World Faiths Series (Phases One, Two, and Three were completed by the end of June 2000. Phase Four ran Sept-Dec.);

2) Satsang (or Fellowship of Goodness) (3ce);

3) Interfaith Couples and Singles Encounter (ICE) (2ce);

4) Field Trips to Places of Worship of World Religions (2ce),

5) Community Celebration of World Faiths' Feasts/Festivals (five times),

6) CIE's website (from the very beginning), ,/p>

7) Interfaith/interethnic family picnics (4 in the summer),

8) An e-discussion group InterfaithMN@onelist.com,

9) Public Addresses (V.A. Medical Center "Tuesdays with the Chaplains", St. Cloud Pastors meeting, and Granite Rotary Club meeting),

10) Participating as a leader for the Blessing of the Interfaith Meditation Room at the St. Cloud V.A. Medical Center (March 21),

11) Responding to interfaith e-inquiries from out-of-state,

12) Participating in "Pastors for Racial Harmony" meetings and PC4 meetings,

13) Teaching yoga-meditation to veterans in the Chemical Dependency Program at the St. Cloud V.A. Medical Center (September 2000-May 2001, TWThF, 9 - 10 a.m.)

14) Substituting at St. Mary's, Harding, MN, for Sunday eucharistic celebration (winter), and

15) Interfaith Healing Prayer Sessions (four in the summer).